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Due to COVID 19, we are not currently assigning interns


Making a significant connection with the world of work is critical for our youth and our economy.  The state legislature has encouraged colleges and high schools to create partnerships, which serve the school to work transition.  Because of the need to serve students needs beyond high school and the desire to provide students with necessary transferrable skills, Canby High School has partnered with Clackamas Community College and local area businesses/community organizations for the Canby High School Internship Program.  Students have the ability to earn college credit while documenting and meeting an approved training/internship plan.

Once the training plan is created, certain requirements are established and the student begins the internship. Students track their internship hours through time-sheets, and earn one (1) HD-180 elective college credit for every 30-clock hours served at their internship site. There is a yearly fee of $30 for the college credits earned.  Students can earn a maximum of twelve (12) credits (360-clock hours). Internships are student interest driven.  Open internship opportunities are advertised in the Career Center, on the scrolling announcements throughout school, and in the Career & Technical Education (CTE) classes offered at CHS (marketing, accounting, agriculture, manufacturing, early childhood education, graphic design, and construction technology).

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Sue Winner

School to Career Coordinator

503-263-7200 x5021


Laurie Bailey

ASPIRE Coordinator & Career Center Assistant

503-263-7200 x5020



721 SW 4th St

Canby, OR 97013


P - 503-263-7200

F - 503-263-7214


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